Thursday, March 5, 2020

LOI English Teachers Kathryn Johnson

LOI English Teachers Kathryn Johnson Getting to know people from all over the world is one of the perks of working and learning online. It is fun to talk to people with different backgrounds, that is why many of the LOI English teachers say that they love meeting new people and  Kathryn Johnson is an example of that.Kathryn is from the United States and has a degree in Latin American Studies from the University of California. Nowadays, she is living in Chile and teaches English to people from around the world. Normally, her students are from Brazil, Russia and Japan, but she has also taught English in Chile in a government program to help students improve their TOEIC score.She told me that she had lived in Chile in 2005, when she got her certification to teach English, but then she moved back to the US.  Kathryn believes that going where you feel happy is the most important thing, so when she was feeling stuck, she decided to move back to Chile to live by the shore, improve her Spanish and teach English.Kathryn said tha t she believes that the issues that Spanish and Portuguese speakers have are very similar and she uses her knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese to help those students. When I asked her what type of materials she normally uses to allow students to understand abstract concepts or to improve their knowledge of the language, she confessed that she is not that good with book references and said  that she usually refers to movies to explain some concepts to her students.For example, one time, when she was trying to explain the meaning of the word mumble, she used the movie Dick Tracy, that has a character named Mumbles, played by Dustin Hoffman, that mumbles a lot! According to her, watching movies can also help improve the understanding and proper use of phrasal verbs.She also said that cultural differences sometimes can get in the way of learning English. That is why she tries to incorporate cultural aspects in the learning process, making sure to explain or give references of movies tha t can help students know more about the culture of English speaking countries and therefore be able to better assimilate her teachings.Kathryn is very easy to talk to and our conversation was pure fun. If you are looking for a teacher that engages in interesting conversations and lets you speak about what you like, she is definitely a good option!

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