Thursday, April 2, 2020

Volunteer Tutoring Opportunities Around Brookline, Massachusetts

Volunteer Tutoring Opportunities Around Brookline, MassachusettsIf you're considering a job in the field of volunteer tutoring opportunities around Brookline, Massachusetts, you've come to the right place. I have two cents about the better volunteer tutoring opportunities in Brookline, and I'll tell you why I think they're better than tutoring in a city like Cambridge or Somerville.My dad has a job in Boston, and I have a job in Boston, so we always had lunch together, but back then he would take me to the city, while I'd go to the city to take care of my younger siblings. I was still a little kid, so it wasn't something that I wanted to do on a regular basis, but it was a lot of fun to spend time with my dad.The first better volunteer tutoring opportunities around Brookline that I was able to find were at the Charles Waterman Art Museum. I never visited it, because I thought it was an art museum, but it was actually a museum of books. There are tons of books that are full of real st ories about the lives of people who lived in Brookline, and I think that the museum is a really cool place to visit, especially if you want to see some of the places that you'd never go to.When you go to the Charles Waterman Art Museum, you get a glimpse of Boston, and of Tough Little Girls. I was never a little girl, but I do remember the Tough Little Girls, and the story behind them, and how they became a part of the education of the young girls of Boston. In fact, the Tough Little Girls made it into many other Brookline history books.Thomas Jefferson Hall is another great place to check out, but I'll just mention a few things. It's a building that is a public school, and it's very well-used by parents and students as a learning space. I think that you get a real good feel for what Brookline was like back in the day, with the combination of Thomas Jefferson Hall and the Charles Waterman Art Museum.Schools in Brookline are expensive, so if you have money to spare, it's a good idea to look into volunteer tutoring opportunities, even if you don't have kids at home. Your children will thank you when they grow up, so I think that a little extra money at the start of their educations is important. You might even think about taking a semester off of school, and volunteering.Brittany and I used to work in Brookline a lot, so I can relate to the local weather. It's not always the best time of year to live, but the pay is nice, and the pay is nice because you're helping your fellow man. I think that volunteering is a great way to help people get where they need to be, and the Brookline community is a good one to try and work in.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Private Tuition for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced Learners

Private Tuition for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced Learners Determine Your Level Before You Find a Tutor for Home or Online Tutoring ChaptersDefining Each LevelWhat is the Role of Grading in Private Tuition?Tutors and the Importance of a Student’s AspirationsOvercoming Your Anxieties to Private TutoringBefore you find a tutor, there is an essential first step: knowing your level.This will give you the best chance of finding the right tutor for you and your goals.“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment” - Lao-TzuDuring the first lesson, a good home tutor will take the time to evaluate your academic skills, but to find this, you need to know where to look.Do you have a good knowledge of French but haven’t practised since university? How can you be sure of your level?Don’t fret! We at Superprof are here to help you find the best kind of one on one tutoring to suit your needs. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1 st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Dis cover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDefining Each LevelIn general, there are 5 levels of expertise:Introduction: This is the discovery period, where learners are introduced to a subject they have never before encountered. Students start with the basics as a first glance at a topic.Beginner: Beginner lessons mark the first stage of learning of a discipline.Intermediate: At an intermediate level, learners are familiar with the basics of a subject and their new goal is to consolidate and improve their knowledge.Advanced: This is the level where learners have not only acquired information but also have enough practice to make full use of the relevant skills.Expert: By definition, being an expert in one’s field involves achieving mastery of each domain and having significant experience in that field.In school, levels are discussed by means of compa rison with other pupils in the same establishment (such as nursery, KS1, KS2, high school, etc.), school year or class.Where to begin with a tutor? ¦ source: Pixabay - RyanMcGuireIn the education system, level is determined by academic grading.Teachers verify whether their pupils have correctly understood set topics from the syllabus.When it comes to languages, skill level is measured against the Common European Framework for Reference (CEFR) â€" a scale which assigns a level based on written and oral skills:A1: Breakthrough or beginnerA2: Waystage or elementaryB1: Threshold or intermediateB2: Vantage or upper intermediateC1: Effective operational efficiency or advancedC2: Mastery or proficiencyThis scale offers a universal framework to evaluate the skills of linguists in Europe and elsewhere.So, why is it important to know where you lie on a scale such as the CEFR before you find a tutor?To make the best choice when it comes to supplemental instruction, you can find tutors that sp ecialise according to your level of education. Find tutors for primary school or tuition for secondary school students!What is the Role of Grading in Private Tuition?Level of knowledge and grades are the first point of discussion when you’re choosing a tutor.Tutoring services are all about providing tailored support according to the needs of the learner.In order to effectively adapt their methods, programme and resources, it is essential that tutors first measure the skills of their tutee. Going into detail about your strengths and weaknesses is more important than you may think, as your personal case can affect many things:Adapted teaching methods: Private tutors put a lot of time and effort into planning lessons which are personalised according to the skills and learning strategies of their student. The teaching of theories is a large feature of beginner lessons, as it lays the foundations for further knowledge. In improvement or refresher sessions, a focus on practical work and discussion helps the tutor understand the student’s difficulties. Teaching methods can be adapted depending on these difficulties.The skillset of each tutor: Levels vary from one tutor to the next. Tutors, like students, use this to find and pair up with learners of an appropriate level. This means that when students approach them asking for homework or exam preparation help, they can make an informed decision about whether their support will benefit the student.Variation in hourly rates: Prices for lessons also vary depending on the level of the student. Costs for higher-level lessons at university are generally higher.Clearly, level plays a significant role in arranging private lessons.Tutors also have varying academic profiles, which should suit that of the learner in the interest of individualised teaching. With a good pairing, online tutor and tutee can establish a healthy relationship to boost self-esteem, optimise learning and progress rapidly towards academic success.Priv ate tuition: individual, personal, optimal ¦ source: Pixabay - jerrykimbrell10By choosing to specialise in certain types of tuition, tutors gain the ability to easily develop teaching methods which take into account the skills of each individual student.Tutors and the Importance of a Student’s AspirationsIn home tutoring is not just about getting your child a little help with their times tables.Tutors play a big part in providing their students with support and motivation  on a regular basis alongside their formal education, ultimately helping them to succeed in their academic careers.The regularity of this encouragement is paramount to progressing and perfecting a learner’s skills, whether it’s in English, maths, piano, chemistry or French.To achieve this is to take the student's competence, goals and even their age into consideration when planning lessons.An expert maths teacher could provide A Level maths students with good quality lessons in the run up to their exams, but to help the little ones discover the joys of music or learning a foreign language, the required skills are completely different.Of course, this is a bit of an exaggeration, but there are a few examples which demonstrate the point at which the level and profile of a student impact teaching methods. Discovery for toddlers“The  child is not a vase  which we fill, but a spring which we allow to gush freely” - Maria MontessoriOffering lessons in Spanish, music or even yoga to the youngest children is gaining popularity.This type of teaching (often done in a small group) not only requires a knowledge of the subject but a dash of creativity to keep little ones engaged.Keeping young learners interested is challenging, but can be made easier by:Playing gamesTelling storiesHands-on workshopsDiscussionSensory learningMaking the most of the curiosity of the little ones and helping them make sense of the world by opening their eyes to new experiences is a true mission â€" but it is so rewar ding! Learning a foreign language with a tutor as an adultWould you like to take lessons in French, German, Spanish or another language?Whether you’re starting from scratch or you want to get some use out of your French GCSE or A Level qualifications, a language tutor can put your vocabulary skills to the test and help you pick up where you left off.Blow the dust off your school Spanish and become fluent! ¦ source: Pixabay - EfraimstochterYour tutor will probably assign you a level based on the CEFR scale, which you can use to outline your competence on your CV. Intensive courses for entrance exam and test preparationAs exam period looms, many high school students resort to home tuition to make sure they have the right knowledge and exam technique to succeed on the big day.The educator becomes an academic coach, teaching theory and well as helping the student develop useful study skills and encouraging them to maintain a healthy frame of mind.The best tutors can deliver intensive courses as well as helping students manage pre-exam stress. Teaching musicWhen it comes to choosing whether to start the piano lessons you have always dreamt of and enrolling your child in guitar lessons to give them a good understanding of music, the paths are not the same!Even if two students are at the same level, their patience, motivation and learning abilities are sure to differ.It is therefore up to the teacher to adapt. This means using their teaching skills to cater to the needs and learning style of each student, so they all benefit from the lessons.Overcoming Your Anxieties to Private TutoringWhatever your level, it’s not always easy to get started.Are you worried about failing? Does learning make you stressed? Don’t worry, it’s completely natural.It can be difficult to get back into the learning spirit for evening lessons when the school gates seem so far away.It’s also a challenge to accept the fact that you cannot make this journey alone, and that you need an extra bit of coaching that your classmates may not need.Learning doesn't have to be daunting. Make the journey smoother with a private tutor! ¦ source: Pixabay - stevepbAs for taking on the challenge of embarking on a new learning journey as an adult, going back to school can feel quite odd!If you have never had the opportunity to take private lessons before, you are faced with the unknown. A deep fear or judgement by other people may cause a lot of stress, even if your only objective is to improve your knowledge.However, once you see yourself start to make progress, the satisfaction will overcome the self-doubt and make for a boost in confidence as you begin to achieve your goals.What a pleasure it will be for you to be able to say:“Yes, I learnt Chinese at the age of 40!” or “Yes, there were difficulties along the way, but I passed by GCSE exams without any resits!”So yes, sometimes you have  to swallow your pride before starting your search for a tutor, but you have ever ything to gain â€" the world is your oyster!

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Defeat Gender-Based Harassment In The Workplace - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Defeat Gender-Based Harassment In The Workplace - Introvert Whisperer How to Defeat Gender-Based Harassment In The Workplace No surprise if we hear anything about harassment in the workplace. Today’s newspaper and social media platforms are popped up these kinds of news expressing the pain and sentiments of the victim. Let’s refresh your memory with #Metoo movements which recently in News and describes the stories of women’s sexual harassment and sexual assault across the world. This shows that women around the world are affected by gender-based crime that includes sexual assault and harassment, especially in their workplace. Any kind of sexual favours, inappropriate jokes, intimations, comments, and unwelcome physical contact reflects sexual assault. In India, the  Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013  is a legislative act which passed by the Lok Sabha on 3 September 2012 and by Rajya Sabha on 26 February 2013. This act protects women from sexual assault in their working areas either it is public or private. As per the report of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), more than 85% of women have to deal with some form of assault at their workplace. There are 162,872 harassment allegations received by the EEOC from 2010 to 2015. In India, there is a 54% rise in harassment cases at the workplace between 2014 to 2017. Time to stop the crime and madness What are we missing to stop the madness? That we need to search and implement a great strategy. “Actions speak louder than words” much-related statement to the situation; we all know the data and cases reported across the world but what we are doing to bring the end of all these happenings that matter. No woman can delete or just erase the professional life because of some other cruel mindsets and actions. Instead of deleting, we can raise our hand and can adopt some steps to lower down these kinds of acts in working areas: 1. Create sexual harassment training in workplaces and make it compulsory for every leader While working, we all follow some policies to infuse discipline and control in your organization. Policies that allow employees to take leaves or to modify their work for better results. But, this time we need to think beyond the usual things to protect employees without losing their enthusiasm and self-control. To fight these kinds of acts in workplaces, we must have to define the section of sexual harassment training and make it mandatory for managers and top-level members. Because of that, employees will understand the seriousness of the subject and how some activities negatively hurt someone’s feelings. Intense research of Eden King, an associate professor at Rice University, describes the significance of effective harassment training in work premises. She also highlights the reactions of people in power towards complaints lodged by the other colleagues for their misbehaviours. She emphasis face-to-face training for more impacts and support the active participation  of all employees either man or woman for the same. 2. Encourage more women into high-level designations To provide a fast pace to resolve the issue, we need to change our so-called strategy in which sexism symbolizes the residing of males on high perches preventing females from smashing the glass ceiling. An article “Training Programs and Reporting Systems Won’t End Sexual Harassment. Promoting More Women Will” that published in Harvard Business Review describes how to reduce sexual harassment by promotion more female employees on leader positions. The authors also state that most cases of workplace harassment witnessed under the leadership of male employees. Thus, the answer is simple for removing sexual assault from any organization that hires and promotes more females. Baloonr has conducted a study that expresses the views of about 35% of respondents on the solution of addressing the issue of harassment by providing more leadership roles to women. 3. Accept the need for intervention culture at organizations Very few organizations adopt the culture of promoting employees to present and discuss the case of harassment. This we called a culture of intervention. If this is possible in every organization where leaders will take initiative for providing protection and plays their role actively, then the cases of harassment will be reported easily and action could be taken accordingly. When employees notice that their organization is principled and taking this kind of act genuinely, their attitude will change and their knowledge will improve resulting in a better working and safe environment. Chai Feldblum, EEOC Commissioner, has shared his views to “Business Insider” in 2016 that companies first need to find out what kind of behaviours will not be tolerated at work. Once they have policies regarding unwelcome acts at the workplace then they need to take a step ahead and describe how to report about those actions easily. He further adds that people willingly will come to report inappropriate  acts if they feel that their complaints are taken seriously, inspected and lead to action. 4. Understand the requirements of changes All things start from a change; a change that opens the various channels of communication and enhancement. We need to change the perception of taking advantage of our position and power. Thus, the fight is about the deconstruction of false values infused by toxic thinking and the philosophy of sick minds. An article published on BBC describes the root cause of sexual assault is the old-aged beliefs and notions; A notion that men are more powerful than women, a notion that females are inferior than males and thought that men should act as aggressors and women should act gatekeepers. Changing someone’s thinking and mindsets is not possible within the four walls of a room, we need to begin the process at the earliest days of education and development. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything,” said George Bernard Shaw. Hence, the change will start from us and we require to change the thinking that promotes gender-based discrimination. Our thoughts and leadership must boost diversity and inclusion, and set the standards for whats suitable and unsuitable in terms of behaviour. 5. Adopting the culture of ingenuousness Why are we not able to develop the right process to address the issue? I think the answer is fear of revenge or maybe fear of being judged for no cause.   If you check out the reports of the “National Crime Victimization Survey,” we will find that only one in three sexual harassment cases is reported. And the reason for not reporting the cases could be fear of retaliation. This is because people in higher position are not taking the responsibility seriously. A leader should create and build a work environment where victims feel safe and can come forward to report their cases. This strategy will promote a healthy and safe working environment for employees and can help to stop sexual harassment to a great extent. An open-door policy must infuse into the system reflecting the caring behaviour of managers towards subordinates. Leaders ensure victims that they are serious towards these issues and eager to know whats going on with the  team if anything discussed quickly and openly. 6. Fight against gender bias physiology When we move forward, we find a gender gap. We are putting our effort and energy to reduce it but still, it is there. But this gap becomes wider in last year as per the report of  a March Institute for Womens Policy Research in which women are facing various issues. As per the New Yorker, various technology companies (Google,  Twitter, Microsoft, and Uber) are unable to take corrective actions to tackle  class-action gender-discrimination suits.   An audit on Google employees pays practices has been conducted by the Department of Labour and noticed that there is a systemic compensation inequality against women pretty much across the entire staff. It also reveals the presence of six to seven standard deviations between pay for males and females in almost every job class.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Area of A Cube

Area of A Cube Cube is a 3-dimensional geometric figure with six congruent sides. A cube is considered as a 3-dimensional geometric shape because it consists of length, width and height. However in a cube, the length, the width and the height are all equal to each other and hence it has 6 congruent sides. Area of a cube is the sum of areas of all the 6 surfaces of the cube. Example 1: Find the total surface area of the cube if a side of the cube is 7m. Given the side length of the cube, s = 7m Every side in a cube is of equal length. Since its a 3-dimensional geometric shape, it has 6 surfaces where every surface is a square of equal sides. Hence area of each surface = (side length) 2 Area of each surface = (7m) 2 = 49m2 There are 6 surfaces in a cube, hence = 6 * s2 = 6 * 49m2 = 294m2 Hence the total surface area of the cube = 294m2 Example 2: Find the total surface area of the cube if the side length of the cube is 12cm. Given the side length of the cube, s = 12cm Every side in a cube is of equal length. Since its a 3-dimensional geometric shape, it has 6 surfaces where every surface is a square of equal sides. Hence the total surface area of the cube, A = 6 * s2 Total surface area of the cube is 6 * (12cm) 2 = 864cm2 Hence the total surface area of the cube = 864cm2

Different Strategies for Learning Maths

Different Strategies for Learning Maths Maths Strategies to Help Master Mathematics ChaptersMake Maths Lessons Relevant with Everyday ExamplesMaths Strategies: Using Visual AidsLearning Maths with Tools and Resources  Assess Your Maths StudentLearning maths isn’t always an easy business. You might remember watching your maths teacher at school showing you rigid techniques to solve a problem, and urgently trying to keep up.That’s how most people have learned maths, but it’s not always the most fruitful method. In fact, it can often be the trickiest way of trying to learn maths and retain knowledge. By learning one maths topic in a repetitive way can often just feel like a chore.As it turns out, there isn’t just one way to approach a maths problem.More and more studies are being carried out in recent years looking into the way people best absorb information and learn to solve mathematical problems.That said, it is the case with the national education system in the UK that certain maths questions require a certain method of working to reach the correct answer, and in many exams and assessments marks are awarded for showing your working as well as solving the problem correctly.But with most mental maths, and many more complicated maths problems, it is important to remember that the right answer can be reached in different ways. It is actually advocated more and more these days that students are encouraged to use multiple strategies when solving maths problems.When teachers insist that there is only one best way to solve a problem, students end up missing out on important things such as creativity, innovation and open-mindedness â€" which are all crucial elements in making maths more fun and exciting.Think outside the box when teaching maths. Source: VisualhuntThere is so much value in letting students explore the different approaches to maths, and allowing them to compare and contrast methods of problem solving. When teachers start restricting how students learn, it also limits how much they learn.In allowing students to compare methods, it helps them to think about how and why certain things work and others don’t when it comes to maths. At the end of the day, you want to inspire your students and get them enjoying maths â€" not frustrating them and shrink their confidence.So we can see that most of the bad habits with maths, and where the challenges tend to lie, is in how maths is taught to students in schools. This is a UK-wide issue, and one that has been noticed by students, parents and even Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education). It’s generally found that students fall behind in maths too easily, and don’t receive the right help and support when this happens.But what we want for maths students is an exposure to different strategies and methods of learning. By doing this, students won’t fall behind so easily or find it hard to catch up, and they will benefit from a more profound and flexible understanding of maths.Below is a list of approaches to maths that are proven to be successful, and will make your approach to tutoring well-rounded and stimulating for your student. Whether it's arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, telling time, long division - this guide will help make any maths lessons fun! MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsMake Maths Lessons Relevant with Everyday ExamplesThis is one of the most important things when learning maths, hence why we’ve put it top of our list! Maths constantly crops up in everyda y life, helping students to realise this will help them develop deeper understanding of maths concepts.When maths is taught in schools, one of the factors that usually lacks is making connections between maths and everyday life.During your private tutoring sessions, there are loads of ways you can incorporate fun and games to make learning maths more appealing, and to make it easier to grasp. This is helped further by actually making it relevant, and putting into a context that students will recognise and appreciate.Depending on the age of your student and their education level, there are all sorts of ways to start making connections to real life and daily activities. Dedicate your teaching strategies to putting maths into context, so that your students can understand why they are learning.This can be done in all sorts of ways. You might be studying measurements and conversions, in which case a bit of cooking might be a fun way of showing your student how maths is used in everyday s ituations.Equally, you might be looking at handling money, working out change and performing basic mental maths. For this, you might want to create a mock shop or café to play around with transactions to demonstrate how we use maths when we’re out and about.By helping your student make connections and see where maths is used from day to day, it will gradually be taken on as long-term memory, and they will be able to absorb and retain information much more easily.So when you’re approaching your next home tutoring lesson, think about how the maths can fit into day to day life, and how you can replicate this to make the lesson more graspable for your student.Maths Strategies: Using Visual AidsVisual aids are not only useful, but for so many students they are necessary for learning and properly understanding new concepts and overcoming maths challenges.Students need to see what they are learning, not just hearing it. When we think about the classroom environment, it is generally no t tailored specifically to the individual student, and it can often be a lecture-style lesson due to the sheer amount of students the teacher has to teach.This is why people turn to a private maths tutor. Students need one-on-one support and teaching, with the time, attention and relevant tools to make the topic easier to understand. As a tutor, you can separate your lessons from the classroom by making maths visual, not just audible, and by trialling different methods to see what works best with your student.Visual aids can really be anything, varying from:PicturesDrawingsGraphsVideosModelsUsing and making visuals can be so easy â€" they can even be as simple as drawing out a diagram! Anything that can help your student see what they are learning and understand a concept in a physical format can make all the difference in their perception of a maths problem.It’s widely acknowledged that children learn best when teaching is paired up with a visual aid in some form. Make sure you v ary them in your lessons and try out different things, so that you keep your students engaged and interested in what you are teaching.Try different visual aids and online tools. Source: VisualhuntLearning Maths with Tools and Resources  When it comes to using teaching tools as part of your private tutoring sessions, there is so much out there to choose and find inspiration from.Similar to using visuals and making it relevant, students need to learn from varied teaching methods and strategies. This means getting creative with what you use to teach, and how you teach.Visual aids obviously come under the umbrella of tools and resources in general, but there is so much more that can be put to use in your lessons. Think about using or recommending different websites, games, apps, books, videos, etc. during your time with your student to really engage them with maths concepts.It’s also a great idea to think of different things to set for homework or extra work, that your student can tr y in their own time. This could be as simple as setting out a few topics to revise on a maths website, or downloading a game to play with on their phone or tablet.There are so many brilliant websites available these days, many of which work in correspondence with the national curriculum so that your student can learn exactly what they need to for school assessments.There are some websites designated wholly to maths games for kids that introduce problems in a fun way, and make maths more manageable in a context that students can get easily on board with.Especially with younger students, it is important to connect learning with play in order for them to best absorb knowledge, so have a look for some games, either online, or even better, old school board and card games!Play around with different games to help overcome maths challenges! Source: VisualhuntAssess Your Maths StudentAssessment can be pretty daunting, but it’s the best way to see how your student is improving, and where th ey might be struggling a bit. Maths is all about progression, and knowledge needs to be built upon in layers.If you test your student as they go along, they are less likely to fall behind or get lost with maths. Most of the challenge in learning maths stems from not having enough support as a student progresses, so regular assessment is key to staying on track.Assessments can be as formal or informal as you like, from simple quizzes to a full-on practise exam papers. The smaller and more unintimidated the assessment, the more comfortable and confident your student will feel â€" after all, you want to see what your student knows, and this is best done when they are feeling relaxed.This doesn’t have to be about performance and grades, in fact it’s best to just consider small assessments or tests as a benchmark for where your student is and how they can improve.Assessment is also crucial for a maths tutor, it will show you where you might need to put a bit more time and attention, or which teaching methods might not be most efficient for your student.So think about these ideas for your next tutoring session, and play around with strategies to find the method that works best for your student!

How to Draw Comics

How to Draw Comics How Can You Draw Comic Books? ChaptersHow to Create Your Own ComicsFinding Inspiration for ComicsCreate a Detailed Outline of Your Comic’s PlotCharacter Design: Designing Characters for Comic BooksCreating a Storyboard for Your ComicCreating Your Comic Book“By believing in his dreams, madn turns them into reality.” - HergéWhile there’s been a decrease in printed media, comic book stores in the UK reported little or no decrease in sales recently. It just goes to show that people still love comics. Whether it’s kids’ comics, manga, or non-fiction comics, a lot of people are interested in comics.If you want to join the growing family of comic strip creators, here’s how you can get started creating your own comic book. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free! Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SabrinaDrawing Teacher 4.33 (3) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow to Create Your Own ComicsComics, as we know them today, came into being towards the start of the 19th century. After the first comic, l’Histoire de monsieur Jabot by Rodolphe Töpffer in 1827, comic strips crossed the Atlantic and became hugely popular in the US, especially those with superheroes. Today, Japan is the biggest producer of comics in the world. In fact, manga accounts for a huge part of the global comic book market.Check here for the best drawing classes now.Comics are very popular all over the world. (Source: JenDigitalArt)No matter what type of comic art you’re trying to make, most of them follow the same steps. Be it Franco-Belgian co mics like Tintin and Asterix, American Marvel and DC comics, manga, or graphic novels, the starting point for most comics is an idea.Each comic book author needs to start with an idea, a theme, a story, or a plot. From there, they can create the comic in their own style.You don’t necessarily need to have studied art and illustration or have taken art lessons to start drawing your own comics. Most comic book authors are self-taught.To get started with your comics, it’s important to not get discouraged the second you run into any difficulties.You can also learn how to draw your own manga.Finding Inspiration for ComicsAre you dreaming of creating a comic that you can show your friends and family? Would you like to publish or sell it?Before you start drawing it and approaching publishing houses, you need to find the right idea.Some creators get it straight away whereas others need to plan out their ideas.Head to a bookstore or comic book store for inspiration! (Source: emiliefarrisp hotos)When it comes to inspiration, you can always look to other comic books and comic book artists. Try to work out which books and comic book series you like, the themes covered in the comics you read, the comic book art style you like, and why the visual storytelling works so well. Of course, we don’t mean copying another author! Your comic needs to be original and not guilty of plagiarism.However, looking at other comics is a great way to get your imagination and creativity going. You could always head to a library and read some books there or borrow the comics you like and take them home. As you’re reading them, make a note of your ideas and start structuring them.If you like futuristic comics, make a note of all the backgrounds you like or the plots you find interesting.Heading to a comic convention is a great way to explore comic books. There are plenty of conventions up and down the country and around the world.There’s also a comic book museum in Brussels if you fancy a trip abroad for inspiration. You might even get some inspiration from the city itself. After all, Belgium has a rich tradition of comics. You should also decide what your comic’s going to be like:ComedyRealismFantasyScience fictionNon-fictionWebcomicsAutobiographicalBlack and whiteIn colourEtc.Find out more about creating a caricature. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SabrinaDrawing Teacher 4.33 (3) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCreate a Detailed Outline of Your Co mic’s PlotOnce you’ve established the universe that your comic will be set in, you’ll need to think of a plot. Just like in cinema, creating a synopsis will help you create a story for your graphic work. Here’s a quick definition of synopsis:“a brief summary or general survey of something.”Creating a synopsis can be useful for organising your ideas and is essential if you’re going to be presenting your ideas to an editor. You’ll often present this with some samples of the comic’s visuals.  Even if you’ve decided you’re going to do it all yourself, a synopsis will help as it can act as a guide for your story.A synopsis can be between one and six pages but there are no rules. Your story needs to be understandable and detailed enough so that you don’t have to keep thinking stuff up on the spot.  You also need to consider the plot, characters, the Spatio-temporal framework, the outcome, the twists, the length, etc.Taking time with this step will save you time in the long run. While it might seem tedious, thinking about the key details right at the beginning will save you so much time later on, especially if you can refer to them in your synopsis.Character Design: Designing Characters for Comic BooksJust like the plot, character design can save you a lot of time when it comes to drawing your characters. Character model sheets show how characters should be represented visually. You don’t need to describe a character’s physical characteristics but rather represent them visually.Make sure your characters are expressive. (Source: coyot)Each character can be drawn in different ways with different expressions: standing, portrait, profile, while moving, etc.  The goal is to capture the character in most eventualities so that it can act as a model when you need to draw them again. This can be really useful if the writer or illustrator isn’t the same person as the character design process will allow you to agree on the big picture and also the finer details.You should start the model sheets with a sketch of the character. It’s easy to start off vague and add more details. Doing several different characters will also help you to establish the style. Whether you’re drawing on a graphics tablet or using traditional materials, it's much easier to create the first few pages of your graphic novel if you’ve already learnt the fundamentals of drawing.Find out more about drawing faces and portraits.Creating a Storyboard for Your ComicOne of the first things you should do when creating a comic is your storyboard. A storyboard can be used to outline, panel by panel, the dialogue and scenes in your comic. To do this, sketch out the visuals and the speech bubbles. Start by segmenting the story into pages.Storyboards are there to outline what's going to happen. (Source: geralt)Storyboarding is a long process when it comes to making comics and you need to ensure that the speech bubbles or coherent and understandable and avoid wast ing panels. You also need to ensure that everything adds to the narrative and brings something new to the reader.Creating Your Comic BookNow you’re ready to start making your comics. From the synopsis to the storyboarding, everything’s ready. Now you just have to draw, colour, and maybe publish your comic book.Drawing in the PanelsWith the help of the storyboard you created, you can now draw the details into each panel. Your storyboard should effectively outline the composition for the panel.Inking: An Important Part of Creating ComicsInking is going back over the sketches with ink. Once the inking is finished, the illustrator can erase all remnants of the sketches.ColouringColouring is sometimes done by a specialist but the illustrator can do it themselves. Whether it’s with markers, watercolours, or coloured pencils, this process is essential if you don’t want your comic to be in black and white. Colouring can also be done digitally with programmes like Inkscape, Illustrat or, Photoshop, etc.Now you just need to put it all into practice!You could also learn more with private tutorials from one of the many talented tutors on Superprof!There are three main types of tutorials available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials, and each comes with its pros and cons in terms of learning and cost-effectiveness. What's right for one student may not be right for another so take your time to find the right kind of tutor and tutoring.Face-to-face tutorials are taught with one student and one tutor and they tend to be the most cost-effective type since every minute in the lesson is spent focusing on you as the student. Additionally, the tutor will also spend time outside of the lessons finding resources and planning the time they'll spend with you.Online tutorials are similar to the face-to-face tutorials but take place either on a call or via webcam. Since the tutor won't have the travel costs to worry about and can fit more students into their schedule as a result, online tutorials are usually cheaper than face-to-face tutorials.Finally, group tutorials are classes with one teacher or tutor and multiple students. These tend to be the cheapest per student per hour. How to Draw Comics Everything You Need to Know About Comic Drawing ChaptersDrawing a Comic: Start by Laying the GroundworkHow Do I Create a Comic Book Character?Which Style Should I Use to Draw My Comic?The Main Steps for Drawing Your Comic  Can I Create a Comic Without Knowing How to Draw?Comic books have a huge history all over the world. From the famous characters who we grew up with to new interpretations today which have almost become cults, every year we discover more about comics.The world of comics is very dynamic, with unique styles such as Japanese-originating manga which has a huge international following.Do you find yourself having ideas or dreams of how to create your own comic strip?It’s a complex project of storytelling, containing many rigorous steps to create a story and characters, and then bring them all to life in your drawings.We’ve put together the main steps of comic drawing from start to finish…very interesting tattoo designs on their skin?Character traits: the style of each character must reflect their deeper character istics, so it’s crucial to be as precise as possibleTheir personal history: what is their past, their current situation, their experiences and skillsTheir behaviour: determine your character’s specific attitude, reactions, disposition and opinionsTheir goal: each character has a purpose in a story. Start by asking yourself this question for each of your characters.To help you define all these elements, simply take a look around you, and draw inspiration from people you know â€" there are many sources of inspiration.Once you’ve completed this step, you can move onto learning how to draw your characters. You will have to evolve them in the course of the story according to the situations they encounter.Think about working on your facial drawing techniques, and also techniques to represent body expression and attitude. Be careful though â€" inspiration doesn’t mean reproduction. Your characters must remain unique and mustn’t be copies of existing characters.Don’t hesitate to show your drawings to friends and family, as this can help you gauge how your characters are perceived by others and if they really reflect the characteristics you imagined. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SabrinaDrawing Teacher 4.33 (3) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhich Style Should I Use to Draw My Comic?Major Marvel heroes are referenced in the comic book world. Photo credit: Luis.Vieira on VisualhuntThe important thing to remember when creating a comic is that you should find your own style. Traditionally, there are three main categories of comics:Comics: Comic books originating from the USA which narrate the adventures of a character, but unlike some forms of comic, the main character is usually the property of a publishing house and there are different designers who take the character forward and continue to create new episodes.Manga: Born in Japan, this comic is inspired by cartoon characters and is typically characterised by sleek drawings, most often in black and white.Franco-Belgian BD: BD, or Bande Dessinée, originated in France and developed in Belgium, and is now distributed in the form of albums of in specialised press. BD styles and formats can vary greatly.Today, artists take advantage of the many influences that the world of comics has to offer so that genres can be mixed up and revisited. Comics aren’t so codified these days, so with a little talent it’s completely possible to create your own unique style.We see it toda y in many comics: graphics have evolved and so have the styles of drawing too. This means we can opt for really realistic drawings â€" which we see prominently in Franco-Belgian BD â€" for which we need to know how to draw realistically and in perspective, so that each comic book author has talent enough to develop their own style from the basics.Digital tools and the internet also offer new possibilities in terms of graphics and distribution. Digital comics flourish on the internet without necessarily being edited or published in paper format.The Main Steps for Drawing Your Comic  You now have your storyboard and your characters, so all that remains is to move on to the drawing phase!Do you prefer the traditional pencil and paper method, or the digital approach with a graphic tablet? Or maybe even both! In any case, you can choose the material that works best for you to create your comic.It’s possible to create a comic entirely on paper, or conversely you can use a computer and d rawing software as you would with graphic design, just as if you were designing a great logo.If you want to draw your comic in pen, start by preparing your comic strips and plotting out your boxes, also called thumbnails. You can then start filling them in one by one. Make sure your frames are well structured and executed to get the best drawings possible.You can create comics either with pen and paper or with a graphic tablet. Photo credit: wuestenigel on VisualhuntYou can of course start drawing in pencil so that your lines can be erased until you get the desired result. Inking a comic strip is that stake where the lines are made permanently in pen to obtain a clean finish and hide any underlying pencil marks. Find pencil drawing lessons on Superprof.If you need to add narrative text for clarification, you will need to put it in a side bar at the top or bottom of a picture box. You will also have to fill the speech bubbles with dialogue, without forgetting the characteristic onoma topoeia of action comics!When it comes to the colouring and the text contained in your boxes and bubbles, you have two possibilities:Do everything by hand on your sheet, the good old-fashioned way!Scan your comic boards to finalise them on a computer. You will then be able to choose a suitable font for the text in the bubbles you have created, and you can ensure the colours are vibrant and polished.If you choose to scan your boards, make sure you choose a good resolution (600 dpi, for example). This will improve the quality of your drawing on digital media, and you can then work easily from software like Photoshop. It is also an great solution if you want to put your comic online.  Can I Create a Comic Without Knowing How to Draw?With online software, you don’t need incredible drawing skills to create a comic.Even though the best approach to comics is learning to draw, it’s still possible to have fun experimenting with online software while you make you own comic and cultivate y our skills. There are all sorts of digital tools and software to try out!Whether you are an accomplished drawer or a beginner, comics are a really interesting format to work with. Unlike a single drawing, it also allows you to experiment with narrative techniques.

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Pricey Bangers and Mash, Lads Speaking English and Surviving in London

Pricey Bangers and Mash, Lads Speaking English and Surviving in London So, you’ve been learning English a while but when you went to London you could hardly understand a word or you have an English friend who seems to be speaking a different language. Does this sound familiar? Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw famously said that “England and America are two countries separated by a common language.”English spoken in London contains many informal words and slang expressions that need to be explained to students. Here is a brief guide on what you need to know to communicate. The list is endless but if you can understand the following examples you are making a good start:1. Food   In London you will here many words to refer to something as simple as food. Among these are grub and nosh.   A quality meal generally eaten in a restaurant is called A slap up meal.   A sausage and mashed potato dish is called Bangers and mash.   Whole potatoes are called spuds. French fries are called chips. Potato chips are called French fries. A thinly sliced meat san dwich is called a bacon sarnie. Dessert is called, afters. The fruit conserve called jelly in the US in London is called jam. Sugary gelatine is called jelly.2. ClothesClothes also have a vocabulary of their own in London: A sweater is called a jumper. Trousers are called pants. Athletic or running shoes are called trainers. Lingerie for women are knickers. A small purse worn around the waste to carry money is called a bum bag.   A plastic pin to hang clothes to dry is called a clothes peg.3. Social Situations Working class Londoners from the east side of the city can sometimes be referred to as cockneys. How are you? is often said as Alright?Thank you can be said as ta. Friend can be referred to as mate or pal. A man can be called a bloke or lad. You might here someone’s surprise expressed as blimey! An argument is called a row. If someone is a good person he/she might be called sound. If something is really great, it might be called wicked or massive. If a girl is attractive she is called fit.If a person is unattractive (either male or female) they are called minging. When a person is telling their friends they are leaving, they say, right lads, I’m off. Bye can be said as cheerio or cheers.   Bathroom is loo.4. Money Money can be called dosh or doe. A British Pound can be called a quid. If something is expensive, people say it’s a bit pricey.5. Some phrases If you are very tired, I’m knackered. When someone is very surprised, You could have knocked me down with a feather (meaning, I was so shocked, even a small bird’s feather could have made me fall to the ground). If someone orders more food than they can eat they say, their eyes are bigger than their belly (or stomach). Sleep well can be said as sleep tight. Do you want a cup of tea? can be asked as, do you want a brew?Let’s enjoy some London English at its finest with this video of cockney boys, The Clash, with their classic, London Calling: Sign up for: Online English Classes | Aulas de Ingl ês | Cursos de Inglés

LOI English Teachers Kathryn Johnson

LOI English Teachers Kathryn Johnson Getting to know people from all over the world is one of the perks of working and learning online. It is fun to talk to people with different backgrounds, that is why many of the LOI English teachers say that they love meeting new people and  Kathryn Johnson is an example of that.Kathryn is from the United States and has a degree in Latin American Studies from the University of California. Nowadays, she is living in Chile and teaches English to people from around the world. Normally, her students are from Brazil, Russia and Japan, but she has also taught English in Chile in a government program to help students improve their TOEIC score.She told me that she had lived in Chile in 2005, when she got her certification to teach English, but then she moved back to the US.  Kathryn believes that going where you feel happy is the most important thing, so when she was feeling stuck, she decided to move back to Chile to live by the shore, improve her Spanish and teach English.Kathryn said tha t she believes that the issues that Spanish and Portuguese speakers have are very similar and she uses her knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese to help those students. When I asked her what type of materials she normally uses to allow students to understand abstract concepts or to improve their knowledge of the language, she confessed that she is not that good with book references and said  that she usually refers to movies to explain some concepts to her students.For example, one time, when she was trying to explain the meaning of the word mumble, she used the movie Dick Tracy, that has a character named Mumbles, played by Dustin Hoffman, that mumbles a lot! According to her, watching movies can also help improve the understanding and proper use of phrasal verbs.She also said that cultural differences sometimes can get in the way of learning English. That is why she tries to incorporate cultural aspects in the learning process, making sure to explain or give references of movies tha t can help students know more about the culture of English speaking countries and therefore be able to better assimilate her teachings.Kathryn is very easy to talk to and our conversation was pure fun. If you are looking for a teacher that engages in interesting conversations and lets you speak about what you like, she is definitely a good option!